Chapter 48: I will never ever prepare for anything but great! Never, ever!

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“Prepare for the worst.” My brain explodes when I hear that. This is exactly what I have been advised last time, when I was on the verge of something great. “Prepare for the worst.” WHY??!!!!!

Why to prepare for something I already have? What nonsense! What a stupid, short sighted piece of advice! Apparently prepare for the worst just to prevent disappointment. Because if out of a sudden it will be great – you will be happy anyway, but if it will be bad as usual – at least you won’t be disappointed.

But you know what? By preparing for the worst we are not really preparing for the worst. We are literally PREPARING THE WORST. We are doing everything possible to sabotage the good out-come. All the time!

I will never ever prepare for anything but great! Never, ever!

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