My name is Julia Antufjew. I am a fashion inventor and a fitness enthusiast.

It all started two days after my 36th birthday. It was a horrible day! I kind of ‘woke up’ and did not recognize myself in the mirror. Still young, still crazy, but a different person in the mirror: 16 to 36: 20 years, 60 extra pounds, 3 extra pounds a year.

I supposed to be a splendid dancer. But I did not dance! I supposed to be a splendid singer. But I did not sing! I supposed to be a good writer. But I did not write! I did not do anything I was great at, ‘sleep-walking through my life’ instead.

Fortunately my friend and mentor Coco helped me to make a huge turn. Since then, following Coco’s guidance I am doing all those things I’ve never believed to be capable of.

I’ve changed my eating habits and started exercising. I quit smoking. I quit drinking. I have got all fit (30 pounds are gone!) and we have created an amazing pair of fitness / casual leg wear for women helping women to achieve their fitness goals: Perfect Tights!

Our Perfect Tights have a purpose. First they help women like me achieve their fitness goals, find back their confidence and comfort. There are several active components embedded into the actual fabric of the Perfect Tights. The active components enter your system through the contact with your skin, enhancing your overall physical performance, and giving you the energy needed to incorporate 30 minutes of exercise into your daily routine.

Second, with profits generated from Perfect Tights we are sponsoring an initiative called My Secret Online Fitness Game – a fitness game  helping women to get fit, deal with fear, discover their True Self, start living fully and daring greatly. At the end of the day – it is all about dealing with fear, as for fear is the single power separating us from anything we want and everything we need.

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Much love, Julia Antufjew

P.S. Read my full story here. I bet you won’t stop reading till chapter 139 at least 🙂

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11 Replies to “About”

  1. HI, thanks for stopping by my blog and liking something. I em enjoying my visit to yours. You have a cute writing style. I had a weight problem all my life. I don’t any more. Why? Because when I started blogging about it. After that my mind focused on the IDEA of dropping pounds and my body just followed. I wrote that everything I ate became a part of me. Suddenly I was careful about what I was eating. I paid attention to portions. I had to report it on the blog. I also integrated exercise into my daily routine. Two reasons: It reduced the calories I had to not eat because I was burning them and second, it was healthy and I was writing about health. A couple of months later, I had last 15 pounds. I went to the doctor because I thought I had cancer. Unexplained weight loss. But, no. It turned out that my writing about losing weight resulted in my doing just that. If you get your head in the right place, the pounds will just melt off. I promise. Quit eating – because it tastes so good. That’s what little kids say. You aren’t a little kid any more. Get your head straight and you won’t be able to overeat. Good luck!


    1. Hi Tony, hank you very much for your comment. You mentioned having weight problem for a long period of time. Was your blog the first attempt to lose weight? How many exercise hours did you build into your week? Getting head into the right place is a trick I am yet to master. Have never seen myself skinny, therefore losing 4 sizes appears to me more like a gender change rather then a logical result of a simple routine 🙂


      1. The blog was not my first attempt. I tried on and off for years and finally got myself down to 165 pounds when I started writing the blog. But, after that as I worked with and wrote about portion control and discipline, I just found myself practicing what I was preaching. Truthfully, the pounds just melted off. My exercise has been primarily bike riding. I average around 20 miles a day (1.5 to 2 hours(, but you don’t need that much. I was riding like that when I was heavy. I just ate dumb. Once I got the eating under control, my weight problem was gone. You don’t need to exercise as much as I did riding. Read my page – How to Lose Weight and Keep it Off. Read the links on the page too. I think it will help. Let me know how it goes.


      2. Thank you Tony! I am jumping rope 4 hours / week and doing yoga 3 hours a week. Jumping rope worked very well before, however I found out that I have to do something to build down stress level, therefore yoga.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Good for you! Jumping rope is a super exercise. Burns a lot of calories and helps build your bones. Regarding stress, please check my post – Super tools for handling stress. I wish I had known these when I was young. Keep up the good work!


  2. Thanks for the like. I hope you keep coming back to my site and find things that work for you.
    You mentioned dropping sizes and the struggle because you’re a female. The majority of my clients are obese females. Healthy eating and exercise are crucial. Go onto My Fitness Pal app. It will help you log your food, give you recipe and exercise ideas, not to mention support. Support is a biggie. Everybody needs a good friend.


    1. Hi Bob, thank you for your comment. Have joined loseit community and it works well for logging exercise and food intake. It helps a lot. I have stopped eating quite some items (such as pesto) which are delicious, but not filling and explosive in terms of calories. Have liked a post on your blog with a picture of a gorgeous girl with 6 packs. The lower belly is the last thing I am loosing and I could never so far get to the six packs. What exercising would you recommend to trim the lower belly? Thank you. Jane Rene.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Lower abdominals can be targeted with leg lifts and cardio to burn fat.
        CLA is a supplement that targets abdominal fat and primarily comes from grass fed animals. Most are grain fed now so we don’t get the Linoleic acid we should. It is a fatty acid that is good for the body. Nutrition is the biggest part of obtaining a six pack, exercise is just a component.
        Pesto is healthy but not to be eaten in big quantities.


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