Chapter 171: How Google Chrome did open my eyes and about the fact that doing same old $hit results in same old $hit.

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Albert Einstein said: “Definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

Looking back on past 6 years of work I can say that I have been quite insane. I am extremely grateful to Coco that she pulled me out.

I would continue working with not performing employees, knowing for sure that they will change under my professional guidance. Time would pass and the only thing changing would be increasing amount of my brain they would be eating up on daily basis.

I would continue working with not performing suppliers, hoping that next delivery will be great. No need to say that nothing great came out of this noble hope.

Today I have exchanged Firefox for Google Chrome on my computer. For past two years I thought my computer is extremely slow because of A, B and C reasons. I used to pull out my hair this is how slow it was! 99% of my work is online right now; I would be sitting waiting for this little circle to turn around 100 times till a page would load.
And it was not my computer after all. Exchanging the browser made all my internet problems disappear in a second.

For each and every not performing browser – there is a performing one.
No need to wait too long before exchanging the slow one for a quick one. Change of methods and ways to get things done is sane.


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